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Identify Early Signs & Symptoms of Bedbugs


There are a few very important things to remember when trying to determine if bed bugs are present.  We should all become familiar with the signs & symptoms of a bed bug problem. If you find a possible bed bug, capture the insect for identification. Take note of its size and color and the specific location that you found it. If you are unable to identify the insect or are unsure what to do then simply give us a call and we will be happy to help you identify the pest.

One early indicator of a bed bug infestation is the bed bug bites, which appear on the neck, stomach area, underarms, arms and legs as tiny little red bumps.  Also it is important to keep an eye out for tiny dried blood spots on anywhere you believe the bedbugs are located, such as your mattress or pillow case.  Shed skin and eggs may also be in these target areas, and tend to look like little amber bed bug shells or and white little dots respectively.

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