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How to Find Bed Bug Evidence


Before you go looking for bedbugs, here are a few tips to help you properly inspect for them using a few tools at your disposal.  If there is a bed that is regularly used then this is a good first place to start. First, gently begin lifting the sheets and inspecting the folds, stitches and seams of the mattress. If no evidence if found at the mattress, then move on to the folds of the stapled fabric below the box springs.  If there is a bed frame then be sure not to skip over it, as bed bugs love hiding anywhere they can slip their flat bodies into.

Make your way through the home by inspecting the most commonly used areas. If after all this you’re still not sure, it is best to contact a professional and get the problem dealt with quickly. If you locate bed bugs, or evidence of bed bugs, it is recommended that you halt the inspection process and contact a professional right away. Do not attempt to treat this problem with over the counter pesticides. It is more important that you do nothing which could further disturb the bugs. Without all appropriate information, proper tools and procedures, it is unlikely that that you will fully eliminate this pest from the home.  A failed attempt at intervention can delay elimination.

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